You agree to read all hereafter in its entirety before attending any of our events/parties/affairs, or engaging us in any way whatsoever, or looking viewing listening, or otherwise engaging anything associated to/from/with us in anyway whatsoever; failure to so and the legal consequences therefrom are yours solely.
Experience is a Private Membership Association, privately legally sealed private event(s), held on private property/grounds attendance by invitation only, an on-site membership only event(s). An RSVP is mandatory to request and possibly receive said required official invitation of which such official invitation must be produced to gain entry.
Experience absolutely reserves the right to bar entry to anyone, or demand anyone to leave, for any reason at any time without reservation.
Anyone with any law enforcement association whatsoever, of any type whatsoever, is/are strictly disallowed entry without a valid warrant: The 4th Amendment is invoked always, plus any other applicable Constitutional legal rights or other legal rights or other, ad infinitum, plus in perpetuity.
Anyone with any media affiliation, of any type, and/or any recording equipment of any type is/are strictly disallowed entry. No snooping.
By reading this and/or attending you agree to not speak/communicate of/about or other about Experience, hosts, models, occurrences, or other, in perpetuity ad infinitum.
All illegal activity, including genital contact, private area touching, nudity, sex of any type, prostitution, drugs, weapons, violence, or any other behavior or thing conceivable that breaks any applicable law(s) in existence anywhere is/are strictly disallowed.
Any possible monies possibly donated and/or tipped in any possible way at the door/entry or other is/are solely possible voluntary donations possibly donated for possible entry solely and not in any way a/an exchange for prostitution or any other illegalities whatsoever. Any possible monies possibly tipped to any model(s) from any attendee(s) in any possible way whatsoever are solely voluntary possible tips for possible company and legal entertainment and not for any illegalities whatsoever such as but not limited to prostitution. All such or any illegalities is/are absolutely disallowed. Possible voluntary donations and/or tips for anything stated herein or other for anything else or other are not demanded or mandatory or required and are hence solely and absolutely voluntary donations and/or tips. We do however reserve the absolute unlimited right allow or disallow entry to anyone for any reason whatever.
One must always respect the models. Do not touch or talk to them inappropriately. All possible physical possible contact of any kind whatsoever with the models must be fully legal and non-sexual, and must be absolutely fully consensual.
We retain the absolute right to change date(s), location, models, and/or anything else possible, at our absolute willful discretion.
Drunkenness/overly-high from whatever in whatever way is disallowed.
We are not responsible for any lost/stolen objects ever under any circumstances.
We expressly state heretofore wherein that we are not criminally or civilly legally liable for anything illegal that you choose to do under you own volition and will; any/such illegal activities are absolutely against our expressed demands and wishes; said illegal activities are solely your liability criminally of civilly; we bear no liability for aforementioned illegal activities or other of anyone/others said illegalities that we heretofore hereinbefore and hereinafter expressly and patently disallow.
All attendees must be 21 to enter: legal valid ID required, including all models. One must be 21 or over to even READ or engage in any way anything associated with Experience.
Experience is a private Marriage Making Association meet and great, to help possibly get engaged group, merely bringing potential men and women together to potentially meet and enter a potential agreement to potentially engage to be married, and potentially exchange monies for a potential arrangement of a potentially immediate elopement, and/or other necessitating expenses of consenting adults.
Experience is/are (a) peaceful protest(s) event(s) for consensual sexual freedom, against fetish discrimination, swinger’s rights, and/or other.
This Private Membership Association is a Peaceful Protest(s) against alternative sexuality: fetishes, swingers, LGBTTTQQIAA+, & all/any sexual identity and/or sexual choice(s) and/or other sexual and/or gender and/or other such discrimination.
Nondisclosure Agreement: You agree to not share any information about any of our events, attendees, hosts, promoters, entertainers, workers, any occurrences, any happenings, anyone, and anything whatsoever associated thereto, in any format, particularly in any public format such as but not limited to social media and/or television and/or radio and/or Internet postings and/or anything or anywhere related or other.
All written and/or oral statements in any form herein, or associated/related in any way thereto whatever, are copyrighted, and, accordingly, have full legal copyright protection. Reproduction in any form of anything whatever from this page, or anything else related thereto, is/are strictly disallowed, and wholly illegal. Any copyright infringement shall result in direct civil and/or criminal legal action/prosecution.
Copyright ©2023 to eternity. All rights reserved.
Experience is run by a Bad-Ass attorney who IS a BADASS: Do not even THINK about it.